even though the briefcase still looks almost like explonation reality tv style having two families who are in really in finiancial hard times wind up deciding if they are going to give some of the money away to help another some or risking winding looking a little heartless by keeping it all. the latest episode wound up opening eyes of the couples. mostly one couple who are against gay marriage winding up learning that the couple they have to decide to give the money too are gay not to mention  the baily family is an interraical couple who are trying to have a baby using iv and also took in the ones nephews too. where the other family the stewards are a bible following family who have a lot of money problems from a daughter living in  an unliveable tent.to wanting college for another kid plus medical bills. who after being against gay marriage when they learned about the other family they wound up giving them some money but the big thing is  they wound up with almost all the grand. for the stewards decided to give them 99,000 grand  and both couples eyes got opened too  mostly the one couple who don’t believe in gay marriage seeing gay couples are just a normal couple like any one else. and also mostly giving them almost all the money when they could have used it for a new house or some more iv. proving hearts are big even if the briefcase seems to be a little bit of exploitation for entertainment imo.